Over the years there's been a number of ideas that have manifested in one way or another. Most of the times it's a joke that's worth exploring, or I'm reacting to something very specific. Sometimes it's a bit of both.
There's more 'out there' on the net, but these are the ones that make my 'All Things Wayne Mitchell' list for any number of reasons.
RIAN JOHNSON meets with the
I've been a huge Star Wars fan all my life. I saw the original in the theater when I was 3. It not only shaped my imagination but it's got a lot to do with why I'm a storyteller today.
The prequels were BS, some better than others but still all BS. Force Awakens and Rouge One weren't perfect films but I found both very enjoyable.
I did not feel the same way about The Last Jedi. That film offended me to my core. The only time I've watched it involved my hand going to my face at least five times. It was embarrassing. Most frustrations capping off with "How did they let this happen?!"
The corresponding four videos: "Rian Johnson meets with the Star Wars Story Group, episodes 1-4" was my humorous attempt to deal with my frustrations.
For a long time now, I've been listening to the stand up comedian Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast twice a week (there's a Thursday episode as well). I've seen him live several times, enjoy his animated Netflix show 'F is for Family', his numerous comedy specials, and make an effort to catch whatever film or TV episode he might be involved in.
There was a classic episode Bill recorded while on the road with his good friend Paul Virzi, and I remember thinking it would make an interesting 'Crank Yankers' type puppet show, giving the stories a kid like visual element that also happens to be 'R-rated'. This is what I ended up with...
I studied at Playhouse West from '02-'08. During that time I got to know a bunch of awesome actors. So many so that I wanted to make a project that would let each of them shine in their own way but still have an overriding story at hand.
It was pre HD, and looking at it now it shows. The sound quality is horrendous at times as well. But at its heart, it's a sweet story filled with fun dialogue built around an enormous ensemble of (mostly) talented young actors.
Inspired by Kevin Smith's 'Clerks', the story tells the day in the life of a neighborhood Yard Sale in Los Angeles. (2004)
Dorito's Super Bowl Spec
I knew at the time this was too racy for a Doritos Super Bowl ad, but I thought it'd be hilarious to make regardless.
This idea was riffing off of another video I made with my buddy Jared Ward, called "The Curious Case of Baby Brando". Big head of grown up guy with a baby doll's body ='s comedy gold.
I also got my buddies Tyler Webb, Sarah Hubbard, and Joe Pistone to play along. The Director of Photography Roger Rovi later went on to be the DP of 'SOLEDAD'.
Both of these videos were created with Jared Ward and they employ one of the best ideals in all Hollywood success stories, 'surround yourself with amazing talent and take credit for it!'
Combine Jared's fiercely accurate impression of Marlon Brando, with a baby's body, and an icon's career worth of anger. Put them together and you have something ridiculous.
The Curious Case
of Baby Brando
The relaunch of '90210' was fresh in the air, and it was ripe for making fun of. We shot this all over Brentwood as well as the W Hotel in Westwood. Later a pilot script was written expanding the concept even further.